David Egan
David Egan is a well-known champion of the rights of persons with intellectual disabilities. Born with Down syndrome, he has served as a Special Olympics Sargent Shriver International Global Messenger. He was the first person with an intellectual disability to serve as a Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Public Policy Fellow. In that role, he worked for the Ways and Means Social Security subcommittee on Capitol Hill and with the National Down Syndrome Society. He also represents self-advocates with the National Institutes of Health Down Syndrome Consortium. Egan has delivered speeches to audiences around the world. He's now a Community Relations Coordinator at SourceAmerica near his home in Vienna, Virginia. Learn more about David Egan at: www.davideganadvocacy.comKathleen Egan, Ph.D., is David Egan's mother. She has retired from a rich career that spanned a range of leadership positions. Married and a parent of four adult children, she is an active advocate for people with intellectual disabilities. Dr. Egan serves on the National Institutes of Health's National Advisory Child Health and Human Development Council (NACHHD).