Alfred S. Posamentier has published over sixty books in the area of mathematics and mathematics education, including most recently The Mathematics of Everyday Life (with Christian Spreitzer). Currently, he is Distinguished Lecturer at New York City College of Technology of the City University of New York. After having been on the faculty of the City College of the City University of New York for forty years, where he was professor of mathematics education and dean of the School of Education, he subsequently held the same positions at Mercy College, New York, for five years. He then served as executive director for internationalization and sponsored programs at Long Island University, New York.
Christian Spreitzer is a coauthor of The Mathematics of Everyday Life and The Joy of Mathematics. He is professor of mathematics education at the University College of Teacher Education in Lower Austria and a lecturer at the University of Vienna. He was educated as a mathematician and physicist and received his master's and doctorate degree from the University of Vienna. He has published research articles in peer-reviewed journals on mathematics as well as mathematics education.